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Tri-Counties Branch
International Dyslexia Association


Webinars 2017

Looking at What's New: Math & Technology:

Speaker: Nancy Bley
January, 2017

The goal of this webinar is to describe some of the current findings in research with an eye towards the developmental process as well as the practical applications. Examples of a variety of types of technology will be discussed with examples provided. It is hoped that each participant will come away with a better understanding of how to harness and apply current information to become more informed educators and know how to evaluate appropriate uses for different types of learners.

Explicit Vocabulary and Fluency Strategies:
Keys to Reading Comprehension

Speaker: Andrew Stetkevich, M.A.
February, 2017

Students with dyslexia need explicit, systematic, structured language instruction. Learn about specific strategies to increase vocabulary and fluency skills as a means to improve reading comprehension. 

Memory & Learning - Some Easy-to-Use Strategies

Speaker: Regina G Richards, M.A., BCET
March, 2017

Memory is neither fixed nor permanent. It can be improved through better teaching and learning strategies. Memory is not a thing - it is an ongoing process. In this webinar, participants will explore these concepts and develop strategies to enhance their students' memories for academic tasks.

IEP or Not IEP? 
That is the Question.

Speaker:   Regina Manning

April 2017

IEP meetings can be an intimidating experience.  Part I of this webinar will cover dyslexia identified, causes of dyslexia, and how to remediate or achieve academic competencies in core academic skills.  Part II will cover the IEP Road Map, what or who to bring to the IEP meeting, questions to ask, goals, other available options, and parent expectations.

The Speech/Language Pathologists Role In Dyslexia: An Overview

Speaker: Cathy Johnson, M.A., C.C.C, S.L.T

June, 2017

Many people are not familiar with how a Speech/Language Pathologist can help the dyslexic child. But, did  you know that dyslexia is formally considered a language-based learning difference? This workshop will cover the role of language in dyslexia, co-morbidity of language issues, language assessments and phonological processing. 

Dysgraphia Basics and Strategies


August, 2017

Among the many reasons students are reluctant to write is that they may be experiencing dysgraphia. Join us to find out what dysgraphia is, its symptoms, and some of the solutions.  You will explore breakdown points, the various components of dysgraphia, accommodations that help, and useful strategies. Lists of technology and book references will be provided.

Spelling Mistakes to Inform Instruction

Speaker: Kelli Sandman-Hurley, Ed.D. and Tracy Block-Zaretskyfrom the Dyslexia Training Institute

September 2017

The most common area of weakness that persists for students with dyslexia, despite appropriate intervention, is spelling.

Spelling mistake struggles first appear in kindergarten, and without an understanding of the English Writing system, it is often left to the student to either memorize the words they can't spell or begin the process of pretending that spelling doesn't matter. 

When LaZy Doesn't Make Sense:

Revealing the Impact of Executive Skills Delays for Gifted and Twice Exceptional Learners

Speaker: Cynthia Z. Hansen, M.Ed., ET/P

October 2017

How does your student earn the "lazy" label? Learn how to dig beneath the behavior to understand the cognitive roots of underachievers and students resistant to production.


Brain-Based Writing Strategies


Speaker: Bonnie Terry

November 2017

In this webinar, you’ll learn a quick overview of learning, how to increase processing speed, and how to increase comprehension and memory through writing.  You’ll also receive a free Bonus e-book: “7 Steps to Writing Success”.  You may access this at www.bonnielearning.com/7-steps-writing-success-ebook/ .


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